The two most important things we can give our children. I have spent the last 7 months helping their root systems...holding them close and letting them know who and what they will always need - that their family is their root - we will be strong and hold them when they need it.......soon I will give them wings.
My beautiful journey as a stay at home mom is soon to end. I have been interviewing at a company and I believe it is going well and I will have an offer soon. I have researched and searched and found a daycare that I believe will offer them the best possible environment to learn and grow, to spread their wings.
I am so proud to have been able to spend this time with them, I am so grateful for every month we struggled to pay the mortgage so that I could hold and snuggle them a little longer, I am so grateful for a supportive husband who listened to me complain about money and rave about being home. I belive that these have been some of the most important times of all of our lives.
So, now that you have roots my beautiful children, jump and discover your wings....
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I know it has been forever since I have posted....I guess I feel like I didn't have too much to say. Our lives are happy - we are trying to learn how to make it on less money - and not doing a very good job most of the time. i am looking for something to bring in a little extra money and help make ends meet, but in the meantime we are going to pumpkin patches, playing in leaves, stomping in puddles and loving fall.....breathe in the scent of those fall leaves - they won't last forever.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The 3rd
It has been months since I have posted, not sure anyone reads the posts anyway, but I felt compelled to write. First, I read a post by Kelle, then I felt the urge to purge my feelings into this blog. My first born child, my sweet, sensitive, rough and tumble little boy is going to be 3 on Saturday, and for some reason it just hit me and I am surging with a range of emotions. Sadness - can the little baby that taught me about motherhood and uncompromising love really not be a baby anymore? Pride - this little soul is so kind and caring, always praising a good job, whether it is his sister saying a word for the first time or a man on our neighborhood walk painting a boat. Unexpressable Love - 'nough said, and a little bit of fear - how do I know that what I am doing to mold and shape him is right? How do I sleep assured that he will continue to care about others, to be a responsible steward of this earth ("that box is recycle mom" as I go to throw something away) and know that we love him more than we ever thought possible?
I guess we never know, so this is where faith comes in. His father and I are doing the best job we can to help this little soul reach his full potential, we are trying to love and discipline in proper balance, help and let go in the right proportion. In the end parenting is a guessing game and a calculated risk, let's hope we make the calcuations correctly. I love you little man. You and your sister are my heart.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Birthdays and Such
Last Thursday was my birthday, since we have had children I don't really consider my birthday that big of a deal, I will use it to get extra hugs and cuddles, but usually I am not influenced too much with what happens on that day. Last Thursday was rough - both kids were sick (just colds but it still results in some extra care and whining) then out of the blue the weather gets rainy and cold, then Mimi had to go to the doctor for her monthly weight check - and on and on and on. So I pretended that my birthday was Saturday instead, that worked much better, my best friend spent some time snuggling our babies and Sam and I headed to Joey's at the mall for some pupus and drinks...we had a lovely time and even talked about something other than our babies.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Camping with the kids (or Live and Learn)
So we took the kids camping this weekend, please remember they are 2 1/2 and 14 months. I thought we did really good, they weathered the hour and a half drive with minimal whining and only one stop for diaper changes (really mommy had to pee). The first day was devine, I swear the temp must have been at lease 100 so we spent the next 7 hours at the lake, the kids had a blast and we managed to stay cool....and the rest of the night would have been just as great had we not tried to sleep with 2 toddlers in one tent on one queen sized air mattress.....all they wanted to do was wake each other up, so the next morning with about 3 hours of sleep we packed up and attempted the lake again, by about noon the kids had had it - so home we went, not bad for our first attempt...we had a great time and we know alot more for next time.......
Friday, June 25, 2010
Adirondack Stone Works - Kekoa
One would think that after 2 years an almost 33 year old would be able to bury her dog, her friend, her first sad is it that I wasn't. My husband has been all over me to bury poor Kekoa, somehow I knew I wasn't ready...then I saw the beautiful stone memorials at Adirondack Stone Works online here and thought that might help. In two days I had received the most beautifully engraved stone that simply said "Kekoa". I could not find words to describe what he had been to me in life so I thought that a simple marker would be best.
I was surprised that the stone was so heavy - I guess I thought it was going to be thinner or something, it is substantial, please see the photo....the process was still difficult, but now I know that he will be remembered, simply and beautifully, Thank You so much to everyone at Adirondack for helping me set my beloved Kekoa free.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Let the good times roll
I am officially at home for my second week as a stay at home mom, it has been wonderful, I am happier, the kids are happier, my husband is happier, life is good. If I can only find a way to make a little extra money so that we can be a little more comfortable I would be a much happier mama - but if God leads me to it, he will lead me through I am looking and praying and loving my babies as only I can...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It is official, 2 days ago I gave my notice at work (where I have been for over 5 years) and my husband and I decided I am going to be a stay at home mom. I will be home with our 2 1/2 year old son and our 1 year old daughter during the day. I am going to attempt to chronicle our journey on this blog. In order to afford this, one of us will need a part time night job (so if you know of anyone hiring in the Seattle area) and we will need to severely cut our expenses - but we believe we can do it (and we believe it will be fun) and the best possible thing for our children....stay tuned - life is what you make it and we are going to rock it out.
Friday, May 14, 2010
One year Check up and First Skirt
Camille turned one on April 23rd but we went to her one year checkup yesterday. Since Johanna has been watching her I have watched my little girl flourish, she has gained 11 oz in 3 months and while that sounds promising her doctor is still concerned that she isn't gaining more (I am pretty sure she has put that entire 11 oz on in the last month or so since Jojo has had her) so we will return to the doctors office in 6 weeks for a reweigh and start giving her whole milk to see if we can fatten her up.
Other than that, she is beautiful, perfect and saying plenty of words (they hope for 2 words by age 1). She wore her first skirt last weekend, and I just had to put up at least one picture of the red and white polka dotted wonder....and at least one of an angel sleeping. Hope you enjoy the flicks - more soon
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Today is the day we use to celebrate mothers everywhere, tonight I sit here and was reminded that as mothers we share a bond, one of love, and hope and dreaming. As I sit here typing and my family sleeps I think of all mothers, of my mother - the best mother anyone could ever ask for and an inspiration to me, of Kelle, a mother I know only through blogging who has taught me that life may not always be what we ask for or what we think we want, but in the end it usually ends up being exactly what we need, of other mothers who have done the best they could with what they had to give at the time, and I am reminded that there is no perfection except love.
Any mother who loves with all of her heart and soul, who breathes for her children and hopes for wonderful things for them, is the perfect mother. And so tonight I say to every mother everywhere, Happy Mother's Day - you are doing a wonderful job.
Any mother who loves with all of her heart and soul, who breathes for her children and hopes for wonderful things for them, is the perfect mother. And so tonight I say to every mother everywhere, Happy Mother's Day - you are doing a wonderful job.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Carbon Neutral
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Thank You!
I was reading a post today at one of my all time favorite blogs see it here and it reminded me to be thankful - as her blog so often does.
With all of the insanity in the world I need look no farther than our couch on a rainy day to find the reason I do it all.
My husband is an incredible, loving, artistic man who has so much patience with me sometimes I wonder where he gets it.
My 2 1/2 year old son is wise beyond his years and really astounds me with some of the things he says (Example: "It is exquisite", to which I reply "What is exquisite son" and he says "IT means very special mom")
My one year old daughter is a wonder, I am amazed every day by her new accomplishments.
It is so humbling to look at your children and see how much they grow and how much a part you play in their lives, and so today, I am thankful that I get to be in the story of their amazing lives.
With all of the insanity in the world I need look no farther than our couch on a rainy day to find the reason I do it all.
My husband is an incredible, loving, artistic man who has so much patience with me sometimes I wonder where he gets it.
My 2 1/2 year old son is wise beyond his years and really astounds me with some of the things he says (Example: "It is exquisite", to which I reply "What is exquisite son" and he says "IT means very special mom")
My one year old daughter is a wonder, I am amazed every day by her new accomplishments.
It is so humbling to look at your children and see how much they grow and how much a part you play in their lives, and so today, I am thankful that I get to be in the story of their amazing lives.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Our Rockstar
Things have been crazy in our house - but through the craziness we have found our rockstar. Johanna - you are amazing, the children love you, they are exhausted at the end of the day and best of all they are so happy. Just wanted to take a minute and let you know how much we love you. Here are some "better late than never" Easter etc pictures....have a great week.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sadness and Growth
No pictures this time - I can't find the USB cable for my camera - I will put finding it at the top of my to do list.
Our family has been going through a bit of a hard time, someone we love is sick and we cannot help them, my kids won't be spending their days with Grandma anymore, it is sad for them and I don't think they fully understand it but hopefully some day they will.
Our good friend Johanna has taken in our beautiful children, Dante provides a playmate for her son who is just 15 days older and Camille provides a nice balance of girlness, or she will once she gets used to the idea and stops crying. Poor Mimi, she is more like me than I thought, we both HATE change.
My loving husband keeps telling me that there are no problems just bigger solutions, and I couldn't ask for a more supportive spouse. Thank You honey for all you do for us. That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
Here's hoping out of any sadness you feel, growth will sprout.
Our family has been going through a bit of a hard time, someone we love is sick and we cannot help them, my kids won't be spending their days with Grandma anymore, it is sad for them and I don't think they fully understand it but hopefully some day they will.
Our good friend Johanna has taken in our beautiful children, Dante provides a playmate for her son who is just 15 days older and Camille provides a nice balance of girlness, or she will once she gets used to the idea and stops crying. Poor Mimi, she is more like me than I thought, we both HATE change.
My loving husband keeps telling me that there are no problems just bigger solutions, and I couldn't ask for a more supportive spouse. Thank You honey for all you do for us. That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
Here's hoping out of any sadness you feel, growth will sprout.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sunny and 70ish
So Yesterday was one of those days, one of the few spring days that tease us about the summer that is to come..we spent hours in our local park, with a little picnic and a few close friends, it was sunny, it was glorious, it was ALMOST summer.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Summer is Coming
With the springing forward comes an anticipation that is unmatched during the year. Yes, we may look forward to Christmas, or a birthday, or one time or another, but the anticipation of Summer is different.
Growing up in Hawaii I never experienced this longing the way I do now as an adult in Seattle. Sure, I was excited for school to be done, but I didn't understand the waiting with bated breath for the mercury to hit 70. Now that I have children, I try to instill in them appreciation for the days that are to come.
Days where we come home from work and still have hours to laze in our blow up pool and fully appreciate the joy of our children. With summer comes something very special....time. Time to enjoy the look on my children's face when the sprinkler cold water hits their sun warmed body, to cook on the BBQ and not have to banish them from a kitchen that holds stoves and pots that are too hot, time to just sit and watch them be children.
So for summer, expect posts full of happy, tan children having fun and parents soaking it all in like the sun.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
4 more days
Only 4 more days until Sam gets home, we cannot wait. We have had quite a time while Dad has been gone, everything has gone much better than expected. The kids really miss their Dad, I really miss my husband, and we are ready for life to return to normal.
While he has been gone we have been doing remarkably well on our own thanks to Grandma (Sam's mom), Grandpa and Tutu (my parents), SammyJojo (my best friend Johanna and her son - Dante's best friend - Samuel) and Grandpa Jim (our across the street neighbor and adopted grandpa). We have survived almost unscathed, Camille had a brief run in with the emergency room after falling off of my bed (totally my fault, we fell asleep together and she rolled off) in all actuality the doctor was more concerned about me than her.
So until my best friend returns we will continue to count the days and hope that he is having a wonderful time in Europe.
Until next time......
While he has been gone we have been doing remarkably well on our own thanks to Grandma (Sam's mom), Grandpa and Tutu (my parents), SammyJojo (my best friend Johanna and her son - Dante's best friend - Samuel) and Grandpa Jim (our across the street neighbor and adopted grandpa). We have survived almost unscathed, Camille had a brief run in with the emergency room after falling off of my bed (totally my fault, we fell asleep together and she rolled off) in all actuality the doctor was more concerned about me than her.
So until my best friend returns we will continue to count the days and hope that he is having a wonderful time in Europe.
Until next time......
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Big Things
There are big things happening here for our family, my wonderful husband is making huge moves in his art career. He is leaving Sunday for 2 weeks in Europe, he is being flown out to participate in a Hip Hop Festival to showcase his handstyle (tag). Then he is going to do a bit of traveling while there - Paris - Geneva - Rome - Venice - then back home to his loving family - I miss my best friend already.
He has also been chosen as the "artist in residence" for Key Arena here in Seattle. He and Hews (a friend of his for many years) will be creating custom mural backdrops for all of the major musical acts that come to town. They start tonight with a mural for Billy Joel and Elton John.
We couldn't be happier and we are so proud. The kids are happy and healthy and life is good. Until next time.............
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Too Long!
OK, it has been a while since our last post, but we do have a good reason. My son's best friend Samuel has gotten very good at sharing and gave Dante Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Sounds terrible, and it is. Poor little man got a horrible rash on his hands and feet and blisters in his mouth, on his tounge and in his throat. He wouldn't eat for 3 days, finally we took him to the doctor who told us that we should give him Ice Cream BEFORE food. You can imagine why Dante LOVES to go to the doctor. So now that the blisters are gone, we are trying to explain why he can no longer have ice cream and popitals (popcicles) whenever his little heart desires. So far no HFMD for Camille - we shall see. And life goes on.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Must be a Monday Thing
After an amazing first time away from my beautiful children, I guess we are ready to get back to real life. Sam and I spent our 5th Anniversary at the Hotel 1000 in downtown Seattle on Friday. Tutu and Grandpa (or Grandpatutu as Dante calls them) were nice enough to fly in to spend a sleepless night playing with our children.
We had a wonderful time, even though Dante could barely take 2 seconds away from Sesame Street to say goodnight when I made my one allowed phone call. Thank You Tutu and Grandpa!!!
Life back to normal today, a baby with a runny nose, a toddler who loves to say "Dante do it" and work, work work.
We had a wonderful time, even though Dante could barely take 2 seconds away from Sesame Street to say goodnight when I made my one allowed phone call. Thank You Tutu and Grandpa!!!
Life back to normal today, a baby with a runny nose, a toddler who loves to say "Dante do it" and work, work work.
Monday, January 4, 2010
A first attempt
OK, So I am new to this whole blogging thing, I have had the blog for a while and have finally decided to give it a try. Not sure how often I will be able to post but I will do my best.
Dante and Camille are both over their colds and feeling better, we cleaned out our garage yesterday and have a trailer in the driveway waiting to be filled and driven to the dump (thank you Matt and Angela for letting us borrow the trailer).
The holiday season is dying down, Tutu and Grandpa will be here on Friday...our 5th wedding anniversary and Sam and my first night away from the kids (yes, ever, if you don't count when Camille was born).
I guess that is it for now...we will try to post again soon.
Dante and Camille are both over their colds and feeling better, we cleaned out our garage yesterday and have a trailer in the driveway waiting to be filled and driven to the dump (thank you Matt and Angela for letting us borrow the trailer).
The holiday season is dying down, Tutu and Grandpa will be here on Friday...our 5th wedding anniversary and Sam and my first night away from the kids (yes, ever, if you don't count when Camille was born).
I guess that is it for now...we will try to post again soon.
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