Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunny and 70ish

So Yesterday was one of those days, one of the few spring days that tease us about the summer that is to come..we spent hours in our local park, with a little picnic and a few close friends, it was sunny, it was glorious, it was ALMOST summer.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Summer is Coming

With the springing forward comes an anticipation that is unmatched during the year. Yes, we may look forward to Christmas, or a birthday, or one time or another, but the anticipation of Summer is different.

Growing up in Hawaii I never experienced this longing the way I do now as an adult in Seattle. Sure, I was excited for school to be done, but I didn't understand the waiting with bated breath for the mercury to hit 70. Now that I have children, I try to instill in them appreciation for the days that are to come.

Days where we come home from work and still have hours to laze in our blow up pool and fully appreciate the joy of our children. With summer comes something very special....time. Time to enjoy the look on my children's face when the sprinkler cold water hits their sun warmed body, to cook on the BBQ and not have to banish them from a kitchen that holds stoves and pots that are too hot, time to just sit and watch them be children.

So for summer, expect posts full of happy, tan children having fun and parents soaking it all in like the sun.