Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wow - it's been a long time baby!

Here I am - it has been a while - I have had so many new things going on, I am back to work full time (for 8 months now), my kids are in school everyday - we are still plugging along at life and then out of the blue yesterday I realized that I don't want to plug along anymore.

I must work - this I realize, and while I have been good about using every extra minute with my family to the best of my ability - I think I have decided that that is not enough. I want to learn to be fully present with my family.

I read a post on one of the blogs I follow (Dig this Check) and realized that I need to learn a few things from all of the brilliant wonderful women around me. From Nici I needed to learn that I need to love my husband the way he needs to be loved, not the way I want to love him. To me, that means that I need to spend a little less time complaining when he needs to indulge his creative side and a little more time encouraging him to do it more often. And though it is a new concept, I practiced last night and I have never seen my wonderful husband more grateful.

I guess I need to learn to practice loving others the same way. My goal is to love each person in my life in the unique way they need to be loved, whether that is encouraging art, snuggling at 3am or spending an extra hour with the "big boy" after his sister has gone to bed.

I'll let you know how it goes.